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위키미디아 재단의 제12국제회의인 위키마니아 2016은 2016년 6월 22일부터 26일까지 이탈리아의 에시노 라리오 (Elsio Lario)에서 개최합니다. 위키미디어 재단 지원금 프로그램은 재한된 분들에게 위키미디어 재단의 자금으로 개인 여행비랑 회의등록비, 숙박시설을 제공해 드립니다.
위키미디어 재단 지원금 프로그램에서 다음과 같은 일정을 기대하고 있습니다:
지원금 시작날짜: 2015년 12월 5일
지원금 마감날짜: 2016년 1월 9일, 23시 59분 UTC
- Phase 1 eligibility assessment by the WMF: Last two weeks of January 2016
- Applicants are notified about Phase 1 decisions: End of January 2016
- Phase 2 in-depth evaluations by the Scholarship committee: February 2016
- Applicants are notified about final decisions: by March 4
- The final list of recipients is announced: March 8, 2016
- To make Wikimania 2016 a successful and productive international conference, by promoting experience sharing between participants on both on-wiki and off-wiki topics
- To enrich the conference by enabling a diverse group of participants from across the Wikimedia movement to attend
- To facilitate the broader enrichment of wiki communities, by having participants share their Wikimania experiences and lessons learned with their home communities
- To enable new collaborations, creations and improvements
Scholarship details
This year, the WMF will be offering two types of Scholarships to attend Wikimania:
- Full Scholarships, which will cover the following expenses:
- Round trip travel
- Shared accommodation
- Conference registration fee
- Partial scholarships, which will only cover:
- Shared accommodation
- Conference registration fee
For scholarships offered by the Wikimedia Foundation (in conjunction with some chapters), the total number of scholarships awarded is dependent on the total budget available for scholarships in 2016. However, an estimated 90% of the final budget will be awarded to full scholarships, and an estimated 10% will be awarded to partial scholarships. The final number of scholarships will be determined in Phase 3 when final scholars are be selected. From previous years, this is estimated to be between 70–90 full scholarships and 70–80 partial scholarships, depending on final costs.
Full scholarships are subject to quotas, while there is usually no geographical or linguistic limit to partial scholarships; see below for details and the table of confirmed amounts for more information of the estimated number of scholarships offered by both the WMF and Wikimedia organizations.
In the scholarship application, each applicant must indicate which type of scholarship they are applying for. However, an applicant may choose the option "I am applying for a full scholarship, but would be able to attend if awarded a partial scholarship". For applicants who choose "I am applying for a full scholarship, but would be able to attend if awarded a partial scholarship", they will be considered for a full scholarship first, and then a partial scholarship if full scholarships have all been awarded.
Please see the FAQ for more information on what expenses are covered by scholarships, and which expenses recipients are expected to cover at their own expense.
위키미디어 기관들에 의해 제공되는 지원금
The WMF is not the only organization offering scholarships for Wikimania 2016; other Wikimedia organizations such as chapters and thematic organizations may also be offering their own scholarships. We will list them below as we get confirmation about their program, so check back here in early 2016.
The following Wikimedia organizations will collect scholarship applications from those submitted to the Wikimedia Foundation Scholarships Program – there will be no need for applicants to submit a separate application to the Wikimedia organization listed below.
The following Wikimedia organizations will offer scholarships, but will not make use of applications to the Wikimedia Foundation Scholarships Program. Wikimedians who are interested in receiving a scholarship from them, are invited to apply to the Wikimedia organization directly.
- Wikimedia Deutschland (application deadline Jan 31)
- Wikimedia Nederland.
- Wikimedia Italia
- Wikimedia Polska
- Wikimedia CH (application deadline February 29)
Eligibility to apply
Any active contributor to a Wikimedia project, or Wikimedia volunteer in any other capacity, from anywhere in the world, is considered eligible for a scholarship. As the program supports volunteer participation, individuals whose participation is tied to paid work are not eligible for a scholarship.
Unlike in previous years, activity within the Wikimedia movement will be the main criteria for evaluation. Participation in non-Wikimedia free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiatives is a plus but is no longer a requirement; individuals who solely contribute to such areas are no longer encouraged to apply. Please see the FAQ for more information on eligibility.
Selection process
The selection process for the 2016 Wikimania Scholarship Program has been updated after collecting, discussing, and integrating feedback from scholarship applicants, recipients, Wikimania organizers, the Scholarship Committee and WMF staff. As such, the 2016 selection process will follow three phases of assessment and evaluation, to determine the final recipients, as follows:
- Phase 1 – Eligibility assessment
- All applications will be reviewed by a staff member of the WMF, with a score of zero (fail) or one (pass) awarded on an application-by-application basis using the Phase 1 selection criteria. All applicants will be notified by e-mail on whether their application has passed or failed once this phase of review is completed.
- 2단계 : 심층평가
- All applications that pass Phase 1 will be reviewed in more detail by the Scholarship Committee, with a minimum of two reviewers per application. Each reviewer will independently review and score each application against the Phase 2 selection criteria, in order to reach a final score for each application.
- Phase 3 – Final approval for Full Scholarships
- Based on the applicant's home country, each applicant will be categorized as either a Global North or Global South applicant, with the total number of scholarships distributed between the Global North and Global South being set at 25% and 75% respectively.
- For both Global North and Global South groups, based on the applicant's "primary language community on wiki" (self-reported in the application), applicants will be separated by the size of the active editor community on their most active Wikimedia project, as determined by the average number of active Wikimedians per month (over the time period September 2014 to September 2015). Scholarships will be allocated equally across these sub-groups, defined as follows:
- Large language community – Average number of active Wikimedians per month is above 1000
- Medium language community – Average number of active Wikimedians per month is below 1000 but above 100
- Small language community – Average number of active Wikimedians per month is below 100
- Multilingual community – Applicants whose most active Wikimedia project is Commons, Species, Data, Incubator, MediaWiki or Tool Labs (where "most active project" is self-reported on the application) will be placed into this category, as language communities aren't as relevant.
- The WMF will determine the total budget available and make estimations on per-applicant costs (for example, someone attending Wikimania 2016 from South Africa will require different levels of financial assistance than someone attending from Panama). Top scoring Phase 2 applicants in each sub-group will be awarded a scholarship.
- For applicants within 10% of the "cutoff", preference will be first given to the non-male applicants.
- The "cutoff" will be the score associated with the last scholarship awarded in each sub-group
- Unused scholarships being reallocated through the following process:
- A minimum score will be determined for each sub-group (different for each sub-group), below which applicants will not be considered for final selection. In the event of insufficient applicants with a high-enough score in a particular sub-group, unused scholarships will be equally reallocated to the other sub-groups.
- In the event where there are insufficient applicants with a high-enough score across all sub-groups, unused scholarships will be reallocated to other group (and distributed equally among sub-groups).
- For applicants within 10% of the "cutoff", preference will be first given to the non-male applicants.
- The WMF will determine the total budget available and make estimations on per-applicant costs (for example, someone attending Wikimania 2016 from South Africa will require different levels of financial assistance than someone attending from Panama). Top scoring Phase 2 applicants in each sub-group will be awarded a scholarship.
- Phase 3 – Final approval for Partial Scholarships
- All applicants for partial scholarships will be ranked by their score, with top scoring applicants awarded a partial scholarship.
Following the completion of Phase 3, a decision will be issued by e-mail to all remaining applicants as to whether their application has been successful or unsuccessful. Those with a successful application will be given the opportunity to confirm their attendance at Wikimania 2016 and their acceptance of the awarded scholarship. A few applicants will be placed on a waiting list; these applications may be awarded a scholarship at a later date depending on the acceptance rate of successful applicants and whether resource use by scholarship recipients is as estimated.
선정 기준
다음과 같은 불합격 기준 중 하나라도 적용되는 지원서는 1단계에서 탈락될 것입니다.
- 지원자가 컨퍼런스 후 보고를 완료하지 않은 2014년이나 2015년도 지원금 수령자일 경우.
- 전부나 대부분이 주제와 맞지 않거나 모욕적인 내용으로 구성되어 있는 지원서.
- 지원서 형식에 제시되어 있는 질문에 대답하기 위한 합리적인 노력을 기울이는데 실패한 지원자.
- 주로 영어로 진행될 컨퍼런스인 위키매니아에 참여할 수 있도록 할 수 있는 수준의 영어 사용 능력의 증거를 제공하는데 실패한 지원자. 충분한 영어 능력은 지원서 자체나 다른 곳에서 실연될 수 있을 것입니다.
- 지원금을 수여받을만한 중대한 위키미디어 기여나 활동을 보여주는데 실패한 지원자.
- "중대한 위키미디어 기여나 활동"의 예시는 다음과 같습니다.:
- 최소한 50개 이상의 기여(편집)을 가진 위키미디어 프로젝트(위키미디어, 공용이나 위키문헌 등)의 활동적 기여자.
- 미디어위키 코드 기여자, 위키미디어 프로젝트를 위한 소도구나 다른 도구의 제작자
- 어떤 형태의 위키미디어 단체에의 참여(지부, 주제 단체 및 유저그룹)
- 위키미디어 체크유저, 관리자, 사무관, 사무장이나 OTRS 봉사자(전·현직)
- 위키미디어 재단 연구비 수령자
- 위키미디어 연구자
- 위키미디어 프로그램 참가자(예: GLAM 파트너십이나 교육 프로그램)
- 위키미디어가 조직한 이벤트 참가자(예: Wiki Loves Monuments(WLM)에 기여한 사진사, 워크숍 참가자)
- 위키미디어 이벤트 조직자(예: WLM, 에디터톤)
- "중대한 위키미디어 기여나 활동"의 예시는 다음과 같습니다.:
탈락 기준이 적용되지 않는 지원서들은 추가 평가를 위해 2단계로 넘어갈 것입니다.
During phase two, applicants will be assessed on two main dimensions – relevant experience and enrichment – with each applicant being awarded a score on a scale of zero to ten for each criterion. These scores are then averaged to give an applicant's final Phase 2 score. These criteria have been selected with the objective of highlighting applicants who have compelling Wikimedia-related experiences and demonstrate a particular ability to use their experience/learning to enrich their home community.
관련 경험
Activity within Wikimedia projects or organizations (chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups) indicates that an applicant will add value to Wikimania through the experiences and knowledge they have gained from contributing. Applicants are encouraged to write about both their online and offline experiences within their applications.
An applicant's activities will be evaluated along the following three dimensions:
- 협력 – 활동들을 실행하기 위해 다른 개인들이나 조직들과 협력한 정도
- 영향 – 질적 및 양적으로 서술된 위키미디어 활동에 기인한 온라인 및 오프라인 결과물
- 커뮤니티 리더십 – 위키미디어 운동 내에서 수행한 역할들 및 활동의 범위. (예: 위원회나 프로젝트 리더로 활동한 구성원)
To assist applicants, the following examples of "Impact" have been provided. However, applicants should feel free to provide examples beyond what is included below:
온라인 효과 | 오프라인 효과 | |
질적 요소 |
양적 요소 |
The ability to share experiences and information with a wider community indicates that the applicant, if awarded a scholarship, would be able to bring those experiences or lessons learned at Wikimania back home, thereby enriching their home wiki community or home country. Applicants are encouraged to write about or provide examples demonstrating this ability; a few examples could be on-wiki reports, personal blog posts, or talks/presentations given about what they learned from an event, conference, or discussion.
질문 있나요?
위키미디어재단 지원금 프로그램에 대한 더 자세한 정보에 대해서는, 자주 묻는 질문 페이지를 방문하세요.
지원금 신청
위키매니아 2016에 참가하기 위한 지원금을 신청하기 위해서는, 완성된 지원서를 2016년 1월 9일 23시 59분(UTC)까지 작성해 주세요. 지원자들은 지원서 작성 전 이 문서와 FAQ 문서의 자료를 살펴볼 것이 강력히 권장됩니다.