ფუნდამენტალური პრინციპები
რომლითაც ხემძღვანელობს ვიკიმანია ეზინო-ლარიო
შეიძლება ხუთ „საფუძვლად“ დაიყოს
The team is one team, which includes all the people involved, who are already Wikimedians or not. The edit button exists also offline, and Wikimedians are all the people who want to modify things to share their knowledge and to support the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual, educational content.
We are not planning one event, we are planning a format which can be replicated in other places. We document what we are doing and how we do it, we produce guidelines for the future and to involve people who can contribute further to other events; we look for solutions which can be relevant for other contexts.
რაც უკვე არსებობს
Priority is given to local suppliers and to tap on existing resources. We look at previous experiences and we build on it.
რა შეიძლება გაგრძელდეს
Priority is given to invest in what lasts beyond the event. We reduce to the minimum all the expenses related to the ephemeral and we invest time, energy and capital in what is useful and relevant beyond the event.
ექსპერიმენტები და მხიარულება
The best way to do something is to make it fun. We gather for the pleasure of it. And it's great!