User digest/Licenses, open policies

User Digest Title: Licenses, open policies


Date: Saturday 25 June 2016

Time: 17:00

Venue: Gym Palace (map)

Speaker: Federico Morando

Biography of Presenter: Federico is an economist, with interdisciplinary research interests focused on the intersection between law, economics and technology. He served as the first managing director and then director of research and policy activities of the Nexa Center for Internet and Society between 2009 and 2015. From Dec. 2012, he leads the Creative Commons Italy project and he is a member of the Open Team of Regione Piemonte that launched and steers the development of the first Italian open government data portal. At the end of 2015 Federico became a co-founder and the CEO of Synapta, an innovative start-up specializing in linked data and the first spin-off of the Nexa Center. He continues to serve as a fellow of the Center and as the public lead of Creative Commons Italia. Short bio available.

Overview of topic: In a nutshell: What are open licenses, and how they shape open policies, with some specific comments on open data and cultural heritage.