미니 투어
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롬바르디아와 스위스를 탐험하자
에시노 라리오에서 갈 수 있는 위키마니아의 프로그램 중에는 미니 투어가 있습니다. 투어 중에는, 롬바르디아 지방이나 티치노 주의 아름다운 경치를 위키마니아의 전후에 즐길 수 있습니다.
- Wikimania Takes Lake Como
- Valley of Valsassina and its cheeses
- Mountain pasture Ca dell'Alpe at night with dinner
- Belvedere of Agueglio in the evening
- Mountain San Defendente in the afternoon
- Silent action, 1 hour gym walk around the village
- Guided tour to Wikimania
- Green week for the children
Free entrance in museums of Province of Lecco
June 20 to 30, thanks to an agreement with Sistema Museale della Provincia di Lecco (Museum System of the Province of Lecco), it is possible for people with Wikimania badge to visit some museums in Province of Lecco with free entrance. Following is a list of museums and activities:
ABEGG – Civico Museo della Seta (Museum of Silk)
- Where
- Garlate, via statale 490
- Contact
- Phone number: +39 331 996 0890
- Email: liberisogni@museosetagarlate.it
- Website: museosetagarlate.it
- Opening hours
- Saturday June 25: 14.30-18.30
- Sunday June 26: 9.30-12.30 and 14.30-18.30
- Other information
- During the weekend interested people can partecipate in these initiatives:
- Guided tours on Saturday and Sunday. They starts at 15.30 with a contribution of 2€ (free entrance). Reservations recommended
- B.A.M. Caccia al Tesoro di Leonardo on Sunday June 26 (guided tour at 15.30 and treasure hunt at 16.30). Contribution requested: adults 5€, children 5€, for the second child 3€, free for children under three years. Prenotation by June 24.
Forte Montecchio nord Museo della Guerra Bianca
- Where
- Colico, via alle Torri 8
- Contact
- Phone number: +39 0341 940 322
- Website: fortemontecchionord.it
- Opening hours
- June 25 and 26: 15.00-18.00
Civico Museo Setificio Monti
- Where
- Abbadia Lariana, via Nazionale 93
- Contact
- Phone number: +39 0341 700 381
- Website: museoabbadia.it
- Opening hours
- Wednesday: 13.30-18.00
- Thursday: 14.00-17.00
- Friday: 13.30-18.00
- Saturday: 9.00-13.00
- Sunday: 9.30-12.30
MEAB – Museo etnografico Alta Brianza – Parco Monte Barro
- Where
- Galbiate, loc. Camporeso
- Contact
- Phone number: +39 0341 240139
- Whebsite: meab.parcobarro.it
- Opening hours
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9.00-12.00
- Saturday, Sunday: 9.00-12.00 and 14.00-18.00
MAB – Museo archeologico del Barro
- Where
- Galbiate, Piani di Barra
- Contact
- Phone number: +39 0341 542 266
- Website: parcobarro.it
- Opening hours
- Wednesday: 14.00-17.00
- Saturday, Sunday: 10.00-12.00 and 14.00-17.00
Museo etnografico di Premana
- Where
- Premana, via Roma 18
- Contact
- Phone number: +39 0341 818085
- Website: museo.premana.lc.it
- Opening hours
- Wednesday June 22: 10.00-12.00
- Sunday June 26: 10.00-12.00 and 15.00-18.00
Casa museo Villa Monastero e Giardino botanico
- Where
- Varenna, via Polvani 4
- Contact
- Phone number: +39 0341 295 450
- Website: villamonastero.eu
- Opening hours
- Gardens:
- From Monday to Sunday: 9.30-19.00
- Casa museo:
- Wednesday: 14.00-19.00
- Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 9.30-19.00